Urgent care marketing should be pretty self explanatory. Considering urgent care brings in more pressing issues, you want to make sure you’re marketing and advertising is quick and concise. You might have a mom googling urgent care from the soccer field after her child took a bad tumble. They need information fast.
We want to help you get to the top of their search results and at the top of their minds when they’re in need of urgent care.
The 3 most important things to make sure you are clearly getting across are:
- Your Address and Contact Information
When someone is in urgent need, they don’t want to have to look very hard for important information. It should be as easily accessible as possible to ensure they can access it with ease.
- The Types of Medical Situations You Can Assist With
There would be nothing worse than rushing to urgent care just to find that they can’t actually give you the stitches you need, or whatever the situation is. Please ensure that you have this information very easily accessible. Urgent care clinics are suitable when you need treatment for colds, strep throat, urinary tract infections, burns, bug stings, and allergic reactions. Some urgent care clinics can treat small lacerations and fractures.
- Insurance and Pricing
If your facility charges a co-pay or only takes certain insurances, this information should also be easily accessible. When someone is in an urgent situation, they’re not going to think to check for this kind of information, so make it easy for them to come across it.
Like your website, we’ve kept this short and sweet. You want to get to the point quickly and effectively, and so do we! Check Target Patients MD out and work with us today to grow your business!