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Bariatric may be a term you have never heard of before, or you may be unaware of what it means. Bariatrics is “relating to or specializing in the treatment of obesity.” Bariatrics, when referred to in a medical setting, is referring to the treatment, prevention and causes of obesity.

Obesity is a very serious health condition, particularly in the United States. Severe obesity can lead to other serious health conditions. As of 2020, the obesity rate in the United States is 42.4% which is the first time the national average has surpassed 40%. 

The field of bariatrics and bariatric surgeons aim to help treat obesity and promote weight loss as well as help prevent obesity. A major component of bariatrics are the various forms of weight loss surgery including vertical sleeve gastrectomies. While the term bariatrics can include these weight loss surgeries, it does not always mean surgery. Exercise and an improved diet are also an option. 

Ultimately, Bariatric physicians are doctors who specialize in helping patients lose weight without surgical intervention. Bariatric surgery only comes into play if and when all other options have failed. The reason for this is because without serious and permanent lifestyle changes with activity and diet, there will not be a long term success with bariatric surgery. 

Target Patients MD  includes Bariatrics surgery on our list of specialties because of the demand for this field of medicine. Check out our website and let’s work together to grow your business and help change people’s lives for the better!


Author Codi

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