Cardiology is a very important field of medicine in that it centers on the heart and blood vessels. Cardiology primarily focuses on disorders of the heart. In the United States alone, one person dies every 36 seconds from a cardiovascular disease.
As of 2019, at least 48% of all adults in the United States have some form of cardiovascular disease. Globally, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death. This speaks to the importance of cardiologists and the field of cardiology.
As a refresher, the cardiovascular system is the way the heart processes oxygen and nutrients in the blood, which is called coronary circulation. This is an extremely important function of the body and unfortunately, many things can go wrong with it.
The specialists in the field of cardiology trained to help solve these issues are referred to as cardiologists. To become a cardiologist, one must attend various schooling for over 10 years! That being said, one can assume that cardiologists are very dedicated to their profession.
We want to help your potential clients KNOW that you are dedicated to your profession. Cardiology is a very important profession and equally as competitive. Numerous resources have stated that cardiology is the most competitive specialty within higher training in medicine.
When it comes to finding the right cardiologist for your loved one, people need to feel that they can trust you to do everything you can to help their loved one. Target Patients MD specializes in medical marketing and getting those important messages across. Let us help you get to the top!