If you are unfamiliar with who we are, we are Target Patients MD, a medical marketing agency based out of NYC. Target Patients MD focuses on innovative marketing strategies to promote all kinds of medical businesses and deliver highly profitable patients.
Target Patients MD has had over 715 clients. We believe in full transparency, so you have access to case studies as well as testimonials from projects we have worked on and companies we have worked with.
With over 17 years of experience in the field, we thought we would share some of our knowledge in the form of an eBook to help you better understand and approach marketing and lead generation. Our eBook is free to download, so give it a read today!
In the last year, so much has changed. People are both on technology more than ever before and yet also more frustrated with technology than ever before. Just as many companies are thriving as are plummeting during these very strange times. Target Patients MD wants to make sure that you are a company that can thrive during the COVID-19 Crisis. Therefore, we came up with a guide on How to Thrive During the COVID-19 Crisis.
Just like our eBook on Marketing and Lead Generation, our Guide To Adjusting Your Medical Online Marketing In Response to The Coronavirus is a free download on our website! If you are struggling to keep your medical business afloat this year, let us guide you in the right direction!